
One of the things that make me proudest is the fact of having written two books, through which I wish to express all the magic that angels have brought to my life. I hope that you, as a reader, enjoy them very much and open yourself to all the light, love, and abundance that angels have for you.

Listen to Your Angels from the Heart

Angels act miraculously in our lives. If you pay attention, you can see and feel that they offer us new gifts every day; sometimes they are as small as a butterfly that sits on our shoulder, other times they come in the form of a message given by one of our children or family member; and other times, they come as great as an unexpected life change. This is how angels are, this is how they take us by the hand and fill our lives with meaning, making them more and more beautiful, more intense, fuller, and happier.

Living in Abundance by the Hand of the Angels

One of the roles angels have, when accompanying us throughout our lives, is to help us live fully, that is, in abundance. But here, we would have to begin by asking ourselves: What is abundance? Where is it located? Does it have to do only with financial and material matters? How can we get it? Is it available to everyone?

To answer these and many other questions, Angélica Bovino shares in these pages her experiences, research, meditations, testimonies and learnings, in addition to loving messages from the angels, who will take us by the hand on a journey through the different facets of life, while offering us a clear and concise guide of who we are, reasons why we are worthy of living in abundance, and the ways in which we can reach plenitude in all the areas that make up our existence, represented by the seven chakras.

Both books can be currently found in Spanish. The English versions will be available soon.

Keep posted so you are the first one to get them!

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