Our dear ones:

It is important that you know that angels understand your human condition on top of it all, we know that you suffer, cry, despair, get frustrated; sometimes you fall down for not believing in yourself, or because you think over and over again that your circumstances are inevitable.

Well, it is also necessary for you to become aware that you are not alone, you have never been… In those moments of despair, of tears, of deep pain, we have always been with you, supporting you, loving you more than ever, comforting and surrounding you with our wings.

If in this moment you are feeling sad, devastated, demotivated, hopeless, you only have to turn your attention to the sky, close your eyes and open yourself in order to feel our presence.
Listen to us well, no matter how deep your pain is, God will never let you fall; unless that is your wish.

We trust you, we know your capabilities and we know that even in those times of terrible adversity, you have the tools within yourself to stand up and move forward. We ask you, today more than ever, to believe in yourself. But if your mind, your ego, or your self-imposed limitations still won’t let you believe in yourself, then let us show you your greatness.

We are your angels, we have been with you since the beginning of time, accompanying you, guiding you, reminding you that you are a child of God, and showing you at every moment that you are deeply loved.

We are by your side today and always,

Your guardian angels.