My dears:


You have asked yourself a thousand times what is the purpose of your life or if you have a mission to fulfill by being in this moment experiencing human life.

I remind you that you are a traveling soul, a soul that today decided to incarnate in this life, in this time and that, in doing so, you have two different purposes. The first, to keep learning, evolving, experiencing yourself; the second, to share what you have learned with your peers. This is what we call life mission.

Your life mission is related to your story, to your greatest challenges, to your deepest pain, but, above all, it to the lessons you learned from it. Your mission in life is to share these lessons with those who are going through a challenge like yours.

To carry out your life mission, before coming to earth you were given gifts and talents that make you unique and special, through which you can help others to heal, learn and evolve.

All of you humans have a mission to accomplish; we angels are here to accompany you on the path of discovering it and carrying it out.

When you finally find your purpose, when you find your mission, you will also find the joy of serving and you will feel complete, as you could never have imagined.

Let us accompany you, guide you and encourage you in the development of your life mission.

We love and accompany you always,


Archangel Michael.